Sunday, August 28, 2011


Well, I guess I got behind again. Sorry!! My computer is kinda on it last leg so I don't get on it much. Santa says hes bringing me an iPad for Christmas so if that happens maybe then I'll be better at blogging! We shall see...

Not much has been going on around here anyway. Just the same ole, same ole. Miss priss is doing good. Starting to stand for little seconds at a time. She can stand, just as soon as she realizes shes doing it she falls down. She eats almost anything that don't eat her first!! Except eggs...?? We've tried a few times and its a negative on the eggs!! Shes getting so funny!! She likes to throw her camera monitor when she doesn't want to take a nap, or when she wants in our bed at night. Sometimes I hear her fussing and I go to look at her on the camera and all I see is the floor. Silly girl!!

Shes still only saying Da-Da. Shes started waving now and says dada instead of byebye. I try so hard to get her to say mama but she just looks at me and laughs and screams dada. Justin just loves it...a little too much!!! :)

Ive got a long work week ahead of me this week but ill try to update is something is up-date worthy! Got to work late 3 days and go in earlier all week so im sure my bed time will be quite early! :)

Oh! I also wanted to share the we have found a church to go to in Clinton now!! Pinelake Church. We went last week and loved it. Didn't make it today because Justin was a little sick this morning but we cant wait until next Sunday to go worship our Lord at his house!! :)

Have a great week!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Im Back!

Hi! Well, I have decided to blog again!! I'll try to do better this go around. I'll keep you updated on whats going on with miss priss!! She is truly something else... Her little personality is really starting to come out. I think we are in for a real treat. She knows what she wants, when she wants it. She will be 9 months old in a few days!! Im excited to start planning her birthday party. Ok, well I've been thinking about it since she was about 3 months old...but now it feels "real"! I orderd her cake this week. I know I have 3 mo but this lady books fast so I wanted to make sure we had a slot! I know it'll be here before we know it! I've spent alot of time tonight re-doing my layout and all that so i'll come back tomorrow and catch y'all up on the lastest with Kbug! As long as she lets me. She usually wants my FULL attention, and when she goes to bed we usually do too because we are early birds!! :) But having to have me & Kate up and dressed by 6am makes for a looong day so we have no shame going to bed at 7:30!!! :)